Detecting Morton’s neuroma

A Morton’s neuroma is an inflammation that thickens the nerve tissue between the toes of the foot as a result of compression or persistent friction. The discomfort will then manifest as a ball and may include burning, brief shocks, or numbness in the forefoot. A podiatrist should find Morton’s neuroma as soon as possible so that they can assess if the patient requires surgery. Here are several options to pursue.

Detecting Morton’s Neuroma with medical examination

The individual with unusual discomfort between the toes must first schedule a consultation with a medical expert so that the latter may perform a medical examination.

The podiatrist will ask the patient detailed questions about their health during this examination, including the reason for the visit, lifestyle choices, medical history (surgeries, traumas, illnesses, allergies, etc.), as well as family history, to determine whether the patient is predisposed to any particular conditions. The podiatrist can use all of this information to identify potential Morton’s neuroma risks or to establish whether the symptoms are consistent with another ailment. In the first case, they will then proceed to further examinations.

Detecting Morton’s neuroma by your predisposition

As was said above, it is possible that the patient already has predispositions, which would explain why he or se is more susceptible than others to developing a Morton’s neuroma. For instance, the patient can have a history of neurological conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome or sciatica, or a foot deformity (clawed toes, flat foot, hallux valgus, polyarthritis, etc.). The dangers can also be increased by the person’s lifestyle, such as if they walk frequently or a lot, or if they wear the wrong shoes.

Detecting Morton’s neuroma with foot ultrasound

An ultrasound of the patient’s foot is the first step in identifying Morton’s neuroma. If a mass is present in the toes, this will demonstrate that it is a problem and not another ailment. The podiatrist will be able to precisely measure Morton’s neuroma and begin the appropriate treatment if it is the case.

The soft tissue is the main focus of this ultrasonic examination of the foot. It is risk-free and painless.

Detecting Morton’s Neuroma with a foot x-ray

A weight-bearing foot x-ray is the second tool for determining Morton’s neuroma. This examination is painless as well, but it is different from an ultrasound in that it employs x-rays and concentrates on the body’s structural structures, particularly the bones.

It will enable us to determine whether Morton’s neuroma is caused by a bone abnormality (static condition) of the forefoot, such as a fatigue fracture, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, etc

Detecting Morton’s neuroma with the electromyogram

The purpose of the electromyogram, a type of neurological test, is to assess the health of the muscles and nerves by examining their electrical activity. In order to ensure that Morton’s neuroma is not caused by a nervous system illness, it will only be employed in extraordinary circumstances and in situations of uncertainty.

Do not wait to be in pain to have Morton’s neuroma detected by a podiatrist

Morton’s neuroma is a pathology that will cause the patient pain and suffering in day-to-day living, even if it is a benign tumor. Do not put off getting aid until you are in pain. Make an appointment with a podiatrist at your local FootNetwork clinic if discomfort or pain prevents you from walking, playing sports, or putting on your shoes. He or she will be in a position to evaluate you and, if required, carry out the relevant tests to ascertain whether surgery is necessary.