You’re an athlete: custom foot orthotics make the difference

Wearing custom-made orthotics for an athlete is far from being a hindrance. On the contrary, custom orthotics are beneficial in many ways, not only in terms of injury prevention but also in improving performance. Regardless of the frequency or intensity of physical activity, if you’re an athlete, custom orthotics are superior and advantageous. See here how they can meet your needs.

No matter the sports routine, orthotics equal advantage

Exercising regularly is a healthy habit, and all health professionals agree on this. However, it can sometimes mean operating in a high-level competitive environment or, more commonly, under the spell of an unbreakable passion. As a result, foot injuries may become more frequent, discomforts may arise, or premature degradation of the lower limbs may occur. Does this have to mean the end of the game?

Not at all, because today there are technological orthotics for athletes (whether experienced or not)! Some even have the potential to enhance their performance. We all have our habits, our equipment, a unique body structure… This can result in imperfect ground support or pronation, which can lead to discomfort over time, or even inflammation, not to mention a loss of movement efficiency.

Orthotics prescribed by a foot professional and custom-made contribute to the improvement of the body’s mechanical cohesion. Whether corrective or preventive, these custom-made orthotics have a positive impact on sports performance as they slow down muscle fatigue, increase kinetic fluidity (especially in the foot’s roll), reduce potential energy loss in the push, and better absorb each foot strike on the ground, particularly at the arch and heel areas.

Athletes and orthotics: defying predictions

By jogging regularly, playing soccer, tennis, basketball… you “run the risk” of injuring your feet more or less severely. Pathologies are indeed common in the world of these sports: Achilles tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, stress fractures, metatarsalgia, arthritis, etc. But are they inevitable?

One must be cautious in sports health; avoiding injuries is never guaranteed. That said, with the use of orthotics, an athlete has significantly higher chances of preventing them, and if they have already been injured or have an anatomical anomaly, they can return to their activities more quickly. Why? Because these technological orthotics are 100% custom-made, prescribed by a foot professional, and designed to correct or optimize foot support on the ground:

  • They force the foot to position itself differently;
  • They support it in case of targeted muscle weakness or deformation (such as the arch);
  • They compensate for hypersupination or hyperpronation, etc.


A healthy habit with orthotics

An athlete already suffering from discomfort or foot pain will likely notice relief fairly quickly with the use of orthotics, although wearing them requires some adaptation. The pressure points in the shoe are no longer exactly the same, so while some tensions are relieved, others may temporarily appear. This is also common when an active person begins wearing orthotics preventively. New pressures (especially under the arch) are typically felt during the first few days due to changes in posture, movement, and stride. Soreness may even occur after a workout.

To avoid these “irritants,” the rule is to gradually ease into it. This means that athletes should wear orthotics gradually at first, outside of a competitive context. After a few days, by gradually adding an extra hour of wear per day, it will even be possible to use them without issue during light physical activities. If marked pain or discomfort arises, it is advisable to immediately inform your professional. They will assess the situation and may suggest specific exercises or check and adjust the orthotics for a better fit, allowing the athlete to better adapt to sport-specific orthotics.

Skeltec orthotics: your foot professional will agree

Generally, after a month of gradual adaptation to orthotics, an athlete can begin to enjoy their benefits. At the manufacturer of Skeltec technological orthotics, the focus is placed on both the performance of the materials (memory, shock absorbency, lightweight) and dimensional precision (digital foot capture technology, 3D printing, etc.). For the athlete, this translates to healthier, less tiring lower limb kinetics and, potentially, better performance. Consult with your professional to see what works best for your type of sport.