How Do 3D-Printed Orthotics Reduce the Risk of Sports Injuries?

Athletes are constantly looking for ways to improve their performance on the field. This drive can be both a strength and a weakness at times, especially when the body is put under intense strain. Joints, in particular, are heavily taxed and can end up suffering from overly intense sports practice. 3D-printed orthotics are an excellent solution to counter this issue, both for injury prevention and for treating existing injuries and pain.

3D-Printed Orthotics for Injury Prevention

Athletes can suffer from various types of injuries while practicing their sports. They are even more exposed to trauma than occasional athletes due to the intensity of their practice. Among the most common are stress fractures, Achilles tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, heel fissures, metatarsalgia, or exostosis of the foot. They can also suffer from osteoarthritis or arthritis, particularly in the feet.

To prevent these types of issues, 3D-printed orthotics are highly recommended. They provide better biomechanical coherence, optimized shock absorption, ideal support, and increased kinetic fluidity: the advantages of these high-tech orthotics are numerous. Not to mention that they are the result of precise modeling of the patient’s foot, meeting their individual needs.

In addition to protection and support, they also allow athletes wearing them to enhance their sports performance.

3D-Printed Orthotics Can Realign Biomechanics

Wearing 3D-printed orthotics helps treat various foot issues while working on the body’s biomechanics. Since they are custom-fitted to the patient’s foot using digital scanning and then molded to match, they offer a tailored solution. They work on the dynamics of the muscles, skeleton, and joints, providing the necessary support for them to align and function properly. The athlete wearing them will experience better fluidity in their movements, enhanced physical capabilities, and reduced risk of injury, as mentioned earlier.

It is important to note that the use of new 3D-printed orthotics should be gradual to allow the body time to adjust. This is especially important for sports, as discomfort can be felt more quickly and intensely compared to daily activities, for example. A clear treatment plan should therefore be established with the patient beforehand.

3D-Printed Orthotics for Pain Treatment

After preventing injuries and realigning biomechanics, how do 3D-printed orthotics affect pain? They obviously won’t miraculously cure the person wearing them. However, they significantly reduce the suffering caused by foot ailments resulting from intense sports practice or trauma, and they also help with knee and back pain since they influence overall posture.

By addressing weak points in the foot (deformation, injury, etc.), the unique and fully tailored support of 3D-printed orthotics allows the patient to continue practicing their sport optimally and comfortably.

Another advantage of 3D orthotics is that they can be used by athletes of all ages and are adaptable to all types of footwear (soccer shoes, ski boots, ice skates, etc.).

3D-Printed Orthotics: A Major Advantage for Athletes

Since athletes aim for the best, choosing 3D-printed orthotics is an excellent choice to support them in their achievements. This cutting-edge technology serves the foot, and thanks to its extreme precision, it provides excellent results in injury prevention, pain relief, posture improvement, and performance enhancement.

Would you like to offer your patients 100% custom orthotics? Feel free to reach out to a Skeltec retailer for more information about our products.