When should I consult a podiatrist for my plantar wart?

A plantar wart is very contagious and can become painful if not treated. That’s why it is important to consult quickly to obtain the podiatry treatment best suited to your condition.

Treating a plantar wart helps to prevent many undesirable symptoms and avoid the risk of spreading warts to your loved ones. By the way, did you know that from 7 to 10% of the population has warts?

These growths on the feet can sometimes be treated at home. In other cases, specialized intervention is required. Many podiatric solutions are available to treat the various types of warts that interfere with your daily life.

The painful wart

Treating a painful wart is often the best way to stop the pain.

Although most warts are benign, some can cause pain, especially if they are located under the arch of the foot. This discomfort is usually caused by the pressure that results from walking or by the weight of your body.

A consultation with your podiatrist allows you to benefit from the treatment best suited to your specific condition.

Warts that multiply

A wart that multiplies is always an indication that you should consult a podiatrist. This multiplication means that the immune system has not properly eliminated the virus.

Warts often expand on the finger and foot areas. Thus, in the case of a plantar wart, it is necessary to consult to prevent any multiplication elsewhere on your foot.

Podiatric treatments will help to put an end to plantar warts if you can’t treat them yourself.

To avoid the spread of warts, avoid walking barefoot in public places or borrowing shoes or socks that do not belong to you.

Warts that bleed

You must never attempt to remove a wart that bleeds on your own. Also avoid scratching the infected region, because this may worsen the bleeding.

In the event of bleeding, quickly apply a disinfectant and allow it to air dry. Then let a trained podiatrist administer the necessary podiatric treatments and manipulations to stop the bleeding.

It is also important to understand the causes of the bleeding in order to prevent foot infections.

Other signs that your wart must be treated by a podiatrist

When in doubt, it is always better to choose a podiatric treatment in order to avoid any propagation. Here are some situations where podiatry is recommended:

  • If your plantar wart persists despite home treatment efforts
  • If it gets bigger or changes colour
  • If it adopts a shape that seems abnormal to you
  • If it grows under the nail or deforms the nail

If your home treatment does not have the desired effect, don’t wait to consult a specialist.

The podiatrist: your trusted specialist for your warts

Are you unsure about the severity of your warts? The podiatrist is there to help explain things more clearly. Even if your warts appear benign, it is often better to get to the bottom of the problem by seeking the advice of a foot specialist.

Want to know the signs that tell you when to consult a podiatrist about your plantar wart? Consult PiedRéseau to learn more!