Why should athletes see a podiatrist?

We can’t stress this fact enough: the feet have a critical impact on movement.

However, for highly active athletes, it can seem difficult to take a moment and consider the health of their feet.

Yet a consultation with a podiatrist can enrich the athletic experience in more ways than one.

Here are 4 good reasons why athletes should see a podiatrist.

1. They have the tools and the knowledge to identify the root of your pain

The podiatrist is a recognized medical professional who can treat a multitude of cases.

Two of them are crucial for an athlete who wants to be at their peak performance: diagnosis and prevention of foot pain.

To identify the source of your discomfort during or after exercise, the podiatrist will perform the following tests:

  • Biomechanical exam: the podiatrist evaluates the movements of the foot and identifies mechanical inconsistencies using a series of manipulations.
  • Postural assessment: this very modern type of examination analyzes your overall posture and how your feet affect it.
  • 2D/3D scanning: by scanning your feet, the podiatrist will have more ease in identifying abnormalities that could potentially become problematic, such as flat or cavus feet.

2. The podiatrist can help improve your athletic performance

While their main area of expertise is in a therapeutic context, the podiatrist can also be called upon to improve athletic performance.

For instance, if you are capable of running long distances but struggle with recovery, foot orthoses and wearing compression stockings are good options that a podiatrist can prescribe.

If you tend to overpronate or supinate, the podiatrist may also suggest more appropriate footwear.

3. The podiatrist has a therapeutic arsenal specifically for athletes

From getting a diagnosis to resuming activity, the podiatrist will ensure that the health of your feet is well monitored.

In the clinic, they also offer treatments that are particularly useful for an athletic clientele:

  • Manual foot therapy: through various specialized techniques, this therapeutic method mobilizes the structures of the foot to facilitate your return to training.
  • Therapeutic tape: the application of a bandage is useful to limit damaging movements and protect the foot.
  • Shockwave therapy: this treatment temporarily relieves muscle pain or spasms and improves foot mobility.
  • Therapeutic Laser: useful for regulating inflammation, laser treatment is used to facilitate the healing of damaged tissue.

Foot care: if your exercise dries out your skin and causes the formation of calluses, professional foot care can help.

4.  In the event of a sports injury, the podiatrist can provide top-notch aftercare

Treating the problem is not everything; you also need to make sure it doesn’t recur after the fact.

Keeping this in mind, the podiatrist can monitor the development of your foot pain.

Since the shape of your feet can also change with sports like dancing or tennis, it’s important to keep an eye on them.
The same goes for following up on deformities that have been corrected with custom foot orthoses.

PiedRéseau has 40 clinics at the service of athletes in Québec

Whether you are an experienced athlete or a beginner, your feet are crucial for achieving your goals. The podiatrist can both change the way you train and prevent unfortunate plantar conditions by offering solutions adapted to your lifestyle.